Affidati! Vivi l'esperienza dell'accoglienza in famiglia!
Affidati! Vivi l'esperienza dell'accoglienza in famiglia!
L’accoglienza in famiglia è comunemente riconosciuta come il modo migliore per facilitare l’integrazione e promuovere il benessere dei giovani migranti arrivati soli in Italia. Il progetto FA.B! Family Based Care For Children in Migration, promuove l’affido temporaneo di un/a minore. L’affido, infatti, prevede l’accoglienza in famiglia per un breve periodo di un adolescente o un neo maggiorenne. L’affido può essere richiesto da coppie sposate o conviventi e anche da persone single. Oltre ad ospitare si può agire anche in veste di “Volontari”, persone che coinvolgono il/la giovane in esperienze formative e ricreative in base alle proprie disponibilità. FA.B! profila famiglie e single sulla base di competenze linguistiche e lavorative. Una volta verificata l’idoneità si procede con l’abbinamento e viene fissato un incontro per conoscersi e condividere dubbi e domande. Chi accoglie in casa un giovane migrante entrerà in contatto con una nuova cultura, l’aiuterà a conoscere la comunità del territorio e a costruire un percorso di integrazione. Insieme, diverranno entrambi cittadini più consapevoli.
Foster Care - Affidati: Fulfilment & Maria Antonietta
Foster Care - Affidati: Fulfilment & Maria Antonietta
“I think that foster caring is not about filling a void in ourselves, Foster caring is about being available to stand by another person and her life story”
Young migrants in Malta : the story of Maebel
Stories of young migrants arrived alone in Malta: the story of Maebel – JRS Malta
Unaccompanied Minors in Malta - JRS Malta
Interview to Jhon Rolè – Advisor, National Foster Care Association of Malta – JRS Malta
FAB Say Yes to foster care
What is foster care? This video explains this alternative form of fostering for young migrants arrived alone in Greece.
FAB Say Yes to Foster Care 2
What is foster care? This video explains this alternative form of fostering for young migrants arrived alone in Greece.
Foster care An alternative family based care through the experiences of foster parents
4 foster parents share with us how it is to host a child, the emotions, challenges and the lovely moments you get to share.
FAB - 4 young migrants who are currently residing in Cyprus, share their journey
What is your story? 4 young migrants who are currently residing in Cyprus, share their journey about how they got here, what they like the most about being hosted at the “Homes For Hope” shelter as well as what are their dreams and hopes for the future.
#CostruiamoFuturo with Francesca Borg Costanzi
#CostruiamoFuturo with Francesca Borg Costanzi
#CostruiamoFuturo Cidis Event in Roma, June 2022
#CostruiamoFuturo with Andria Angastiniotou, HFC - Hope For Children
#CostruiamoFuturo with Andria Angastiniotou, HFC - Hope For Children
#CostruiamoFuturo Cidis Event in Roma, June 2022
#CostruiamoFuturo with Vanesa Martin, PorCausa
#CostruiamoFuturo with Vanesa Martin, PorCausa
#CostruiamoFuturo Cidis Event in Roma, June 2022
What are the advantages of living with a foster family? Ismail El Majdoubi
What are the advantages of living with a foster family? Ismail El Majdoubi
Family based care is commonly recognized as the best way to facilitate integration and promote the well-being of children and there is plenty of studies, best practices, guidelines on the subject, but yet only a minority of UMC benefits from FB care. FA.B! focuses on fill this gap between the awareness of the best solution and its application, intervening on critical aspects of the process of establishing a FB care system alternative to reception centres.
What is the difference between living with a foster family or in a shelter?
What is the difference between living with a foster family or in a shelter?
Moha & Esperanza tell us what it is like to live in a foster family, how they feel and how important it is to be together.
What is it to be a foster family? Olga & Juan from Somos Acogida
What is it to be a foster family? Olga & Juan from Somos Acogida
Olga & Juan from Somos Acogida
Yassin talks about Fab together
Yassin talks about Fab together
What is FA.B! project
What is FA.B! project
FA.B! FAmily Based care for children in migration is aimed at supporting the improvement and expansion of alternative family- based care system for Unaccompanied Migrant Children in 5 European frontline Mediterranean Countries: Italy, Greece, Spain, Malta and Cyprus, involving in each Country key public institutions and experienced private organizations.
Discover foster care experiences in Spain
Discover foster care experiences in Spain
Discover the experience of the social worker Lara from Acrescere Foundation, Luis Casillas from Somos Acogida and Sheriff a young minor arrived alone in Spain and hosted in a foster care family.
Alessandra De Luca intervista Fab CRC
Alessandra De Luca intervista Fab CRC
Alessandra De Luca, Campania Cidis Onlus regional manager, was a guest of @Radio Crc to talk about young migrants who arrived alone in Italy and the initiatives of the FA.B project!
Alessandra De Luca, responsabile regionale Campania Cidis Onlus, è stata ospite di @Radio Crc per parlare di giovani migranti arrivati soli in Italia e delle iniziative del progetto FA.B! Un ringraziamento al direttore Salvatore Calise per la disponibilità e la sensibilità dimostrata sui i temi tratti
L'esperienza dell'accoglienza in famiglia su Radio CRC
L'esperienza dell'accoglienza in famiglia su Radio CRC
The FA.B project! back on air on Radio Crc frequencies. This time, guests of the director Salvatore Calise are the operator of Cidis Onlus Irma Halili and the young Youssef
Il progetto FA.B! torna in onda sulle frequenze di Radio Crc. Questa volta, ospiti del direttore Salvatore Calise ci sono l’operatrice di Cidis Onlus Irma Halili e il giovane Youssef.
Spot Radio FA.B! Scopri l'esperienza dell'accoglienza in famiglia
Spot Radio FA.B! Scopri l'esperienza dell'accoglienza in famiglia
Radio spot created by Cidis to promote hospitality in the family. Find out more on the website